TAWI (Transkei Animal Welfare Initiative) provides primary animal health care services (primarily for companion animals) for 18 disadvantaged communities around Port St Johns in the Eastern Cape, where free-roaming domestic animals suffer from over-breading, malnutrition, disease, parasites, infection, neglect and cruelty. There are no veterinary services for 100s of Kilometers and TAWI is the only organisation providing this much needed service in the whole region.
Through community engagement, education and working with people, their involvement addresses needs expressed by the communities with the approach of gaining understanding, acceptance and co-operation. They are not a shelter, they work in an outreach capacity with the philosophy for “rescuing” animals in their own homes.
They see that access to basic veterinary services and humane education with children creates empathy, through the fostering of respect for life, creating a culture of caring and empathy for all beings. This is a vital ingredient in the building of communities.
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