Tuesday, February 18, 2025
HomeCatsBehaviourReasons Why Cats Run Away From Home

Reasons Why Cats Run Away From Home

We love cats because these feathery, four-legged animals can bring a lot of joy to our lives. However, despite our love for them, they occasionally wander off and vanish for hours or even days. So, why do cats runaway?

Since a cat may leave for various reasons, the answer is not always straightforward. Let’s look at some of the most common explanations:

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Common reasons why cats runaway

1. Curiosity

Cats love to look around because they are naturally curious creatures. Sometimes, their inquisitiveness gets the better of them, and they leave their homes to look at and smell new things.

2. Fear

Loud noises, strange people, and other animals can easily frighten cats. If a cat feels compromised or frightened, it could take off to find a safe hiding place.

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  1. That was very helpfull,we do have a nearly 2 yr old male,and we take him outside,go for about an hour,but when he must get back,he gets aggresive and bite my legs,is it because he doesnt want to

    • Hi Tersia, I’m glad you found the information helpful. Regarding your nearly 2-year-old male dog’s behaviour, aggression when returning indoors could be due to various factors. It’s advisable to observe his body language and consult with a professional to better understand and address this behaviour.

  2. I have 4 cats. 3 of them can go outside. Trying to change it so they can stay inside but with no luck. Gertjie does not use a litter box. 4 o’ clock all 3 return home for dinner and they sleep inside. But for the last 3 weeks i have a problem with Lilly. She comes home but hangs outside. I normaly loure her with treats and catnip but this does not help anymore. She does not come. She hangs out in the yard but dont want to come inside. So she sleeps outside somedays. When the door opens she comes in, only to go outside minutes later. What is the problem.

    • Hi Erika, I’m sorry to hear about the challenges you’re facing with Lilly and the transition to keeping your cats indoors. It sounds like a frustrating situation. To gain insight into Lilly’s behaviour and explore possible solutions, I recommend reaching out to our free online vet. The vet can provide expert advice tailored to Lilly’s specific needs and help address any concerns you may have.


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