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Sherada Abyssinians

The Southern Africa Cat Council Registered Member.

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Shereda Abyssinians Cattery breeds Silver and Golden Persian Chinchilla cats. Contact  B G Schulze more information. Kittens are hands on raised and cats have the run of the home insuring superb temperament and very affectionate. Breeder offers ongoing support to buyers who becomes family.

About SACC:

“The SACC exists primarily to assist cat breeders and stakeholders in SACC by providing relevant, up-to-date information about SACC and pedigreed cats, focusing on topics related to pedigreed cats, cat shows, administration, and the organized cat fancy at large.

As the central internet hub for all things SACC, this site strives to provide important news relevant to SACC, cat breeds and the organized cat fancy, both local and international.

The Southern Africa Cat Council’s objectives include:

  • Administer the registration of pedigrees of cats and kittens
  • Promulgate the rules of the management of cat shows
  • Promote the interest of breeders and exhibitors of cats
  • Ensure the efficient co-existence of its Councils and offices
  • Promulgate rules, regulations and codes of ethics
  • Lay down standards for all Breeds in conjunction with Member Clubs, the Breed Council and the SA Council of Cat Judges
  • Promote a knowledge of Cats and Breed Standards by investigating or to assist in investigations to ensure that the breeding of cats and the showing of cats are according to the highest standards
  • Train or to assist in training of persons for the breeding, judging, show managing and stewarding of cats”

Source: The Southern Africa Cat Council

Please contact the Registrar for verification of kitten registration or if you have any queries regarding the listed breeders.

It is imperative that you do thorough research, in-person visits and request veterinary records and referencebefore purchasing a kitten.

Share your experience with Shereda Abyssinians Cattery with us in the comment section below!

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