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Aliraine Petcare


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“The name Aliraine originated from combining ALI – my very first rabbit – with my name LORRAINE. Ali was the start of my knowledge and experience with rabbits and also how I developed a passion for rabbits.

Charmed by all things fluffy, I have extensive experience with horses and grew up on horseback with my first fall at the age of six months. Regardless, that is where my love for horses and riding began.

I grew up on a plot at my mom’s side nursing sick animals, stitching up animals, cleaning wounds, passing medical accessories to her when she needed that spare hand, as her life revolved around animals. We assisted with the neighbours animals, friends animals, and so many people from all over, and also during the birth of many babies. I grew up with goats, cattle, horses, geese, chickens, as well as hamsters! “

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