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4 paws and a tale rescue


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“We rescue abandoned,abused and neglected animals in the Scottburgh and surrounding areas. We also feed, provide medical care and shelter for the strays and animals in the local townships and underprivileged areas. We believe these animals deserve freedom from fear, abuse, hunger and thirst. We focus our resources on helping the urgent cases in our community. We all have full time jobs. We do this voluntarily in our own time. We help where we can, we love and tickle and walk and feed and cry and laugh. We fight for the ones who have no voice. We give them hope, and a chance to live a happy and fulfilled life.

We also re-home dogs and cats throughout KwaZulu Natal. Our adoption process is simple, yet thorough, to ensure all our rescue animals find their perfect home.

Our long term goal is to find a property where we can build a homely shelter to continue taking in needy animals. We hope to one day be able to take in EVERY needy animal, where they can live a fun and pawesome life…with a full tummy every day, a dry, comfy and cozy bed to sleep in, friends to play with, holes to dig, grass to roll in and clean resting areas. Where they will be loved, because of who they are, where they will be exercised, trained and rehabilitated. Where they will become who they were meant to be!”

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