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Results For dachshund Listings

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Conkasha Kennels – Dachshund Breed

Dogs/Puppies Registered with KUSA. Tell us about your experience with Conkasha Kennels -

mapMarkerGrey Alberton, Gauteng, South Afric...

Grecandown Miniature Long Haired Dachshu

Puppies are KUSA Registered. Breeder of quality long haired Dachshunds. About KUSA:  KUSA is a volun

mapMarkerGrey Gauteng...

Merwanke Breeder of Miniature Longhaired

Dogs/Puppies Registered with KUSA. "The kennel name Merwanke is registered with KUSA. Mer

mapMarkerGrey Bonnievale, Western Cape, Sout...

Redamancy Dachshund Breeder

"Welcome to Redamancy Dachshunds. We absolutely LOVE our Dachshunds!! We are a small, vet-audited f

mapMarkerGrey Salt Rock, Ballito, Dolphin Co...

Yorma Breeder of Miniature Dachshunds

Dogs/Puppies Registered with KUSA. Tell us about your experience with Yorma Breeders in the rating s

mapMarkerGrey Eastern Cape, South Africa...
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